Not Really a Blog

Gallery Show Preparations

Prints are printed. Dates have been set. Pricing has been established. Much has been done, but there's much more to do.
There was a time in my life - not too long ago - when I might not have become too excited about the opening of a one-person show of photographic prints. Actually, there was a time in my life when I would not have thought that I would ever be doing such a thing.

Now, though, I'm in the midst of preparations for my show at the Professional Centre on North Road. The show will have a "soft opening" on August 6, 2019, but the "opening night gala" (more appropriately called a "Celebration of Photographic Art" will take place on Thursday, August 8, 2019, from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m..

Although I would be pleased to sell a print (or two or thirty-two), I find myself feeling joy at this work more than feeling a strong desire to sell the photographic art that will be on display. As I look at the images I have printed, I can see the unique character of each of them. Some are pretty, some are not-so-pretty; some are local and others are from distant locations. A few might carry discernible messages, while most simply present themselves for your own interpretation and reaction. I hope that each of them, as they are seen and appreciated as large prints, will take the viewer beyond the gallery to a different place or time.

There will be time to contemplate the works (at the gallery from August 6 through September 28, 2019, and in your own home if you choose to buy a print). I hope to contemplate the works on my own, as well as share them with others. For now, though, it's time to get back to the preparations:
  • more marketing
  • more blog entries
  • buy wine for the celebration of photographic art
  • buy food for the celebration of photographic art
  • prepare art cards (business cards) for distribution
  • print pricing sheets
  • place an advertisement in the newspaper
  • print and distribute posters at mail boxes and other bulletin boards
  • find and prepare a sandwich board to put outside the Professional Centre on August 8
  • ask the nice folks at the Gabriola Arts Council if they could let people know about the show